I could blog about another futility in my life, about minor ailments, daily washes and puddles, the zorgjes ... but I can not. It seems like there is no inspiration for a carefree, light-hearted little blog. Why is it so difficult? Because there is so much going on in the world ... Distressing events that we often "forget" or worse ignore. Because we are so absorbed by our self-centeredness ...
The newspaper store or watch the TV news, I find a huge task. But it pushes you hard under the nose that we're a bunch of kids Sunday. Sunday Children with a huge nag content ...
Hang in there girl .... you can not carry all the worries of the world on your shoulders. But I understand you ... I also often those moments when everything seems sooo shallow. As "nothing". And then I start to myself ... Be the change you wish to see in the world ... Katrien x Reply Delete
It is sometimes so confrontational when you start blogging. The one time it fails to have a bauble to write. Airy story Other times not. It will be the month of the year, I suspect. Reply Delete
- Mama, I want to tank today, the girls find me beautiful thailand ... (Ruben, 4.5 years) - Mathias (7 years), after a very long line-drive to the coast: we are still in Belgium? - I have one, two ... no, three sweethearts (Ruben) thailand - Police in a loud siren passes. Ruben: Does that get me? - Ruben while eating: I'm good at it 'smakelen. - Mathias (auto-freak): thailand Dad, you have to buy a Dacia Duster, because on TV they say that it takes little pennies. - Ruben after 3/4ths of the Blotevoetenpad: I'm tired, I want a schoenenpad! - Mathias against Ruben: bah, your breath stinks! Ruben: yes, that's Macaroni - Mathias' Hot 'in Bree's is' Werm "-Ruben, when I stepped on his toes ouch mama, you're on my skeleton! - I against Ruben: Mom with two thumbs rooting for your football game, in which Ruben answered: I have a thumb itself though. Do no more. -Mathias at the dentist: I want to be a dentist. thailand The dentist: you should still go to school long. Mathias: do not! -Mathias gets dad some pointers after not too thundering thailand football performance today. Smartie Ruben mixes: you are Mathias his trainer not he, Dad! -Ruben: here is someone forgot his parachute (umbrella). -Ruben after his 3rd pancake: I'm a smullerik, right-Mathias on homemade fries: bah, that taste really looking potato! -Ruben wants to know what we eat for dessert. If we say that we do not know, he responds, "maybe you should just think twice!" -Mathias is curious about the St. presents: "I'm so inflated!" - Mathias: there is someone thailand else in love with my sweetheart. Mama: oops, what you gonna do about it, boy? Mathias: I'll talk to him later. - Mathias during a walk in Bruges, where he hears talk purebred Bruges in a stationary vehicle: allez Mom, that's so weird ... who speak a different language, and yet it is a car with Belgian number. -Dad: Ruben, you went to clean up. Now I have to do it alone. Ruben (almost 6): Make it more! You're doing well! Mathias-like pate between his sandwich. Dad says he is quite strong (taste), which Mathias: "Wow, what does that do?" -Ruben, gleaming with pride: today I have only 2 times to sit on the punishment chair "(he thailand calls it the" think-chair) - Ruben: "I do think school is so annoying because I have so often my finger raise . My neck hurt and then I get tired of it. "
surprises, the sleepy eyes of my boys, good food and above all: sushi, summer festivals, spring-sun, sleep, eat breakfast, the thrill of the ultimate solden bargain, shoes, interior design stores, magazines, webshops, (Belgian) rock music, women's magazines, people who pursue their dreams, an unexpectedly good conversation, funny one-liners from the kids, Barcelona, Sex And The City, the dance floor, (Online) shopping, to the airport to leave for a week of sun , S tudio Brussels accomplish everything with lemon and lime, strawberries with white chocolate, Danish design, the smell of newly lit candles, massage (get)
short days, routine, for appearances, shortsightedness, wait, organ meats, autumn, inertia, arguing, injustice, alarm, mosquitoes (and other pests), raw onion, you're always going to phone when you were not with him 've hand, torrential rain, quarreling kids, faint voice messages ... to the point please!, birds, latecomers, people who do not fulfill their commitments, french manicure + gelnagel-crap out of a hot tub steps
Miss Mamalicious What happens if blood is thicker than water? Then you get a blog. In my case anyway. My own place, where I'm 100% myself ... as a wife, mom, girlfriend, ... and many alter egos switches that th