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The time was 5:53 pm on Tuesday, January 12, in the island of Hispaniola, when people suddenly felt dizzy and violent vibrations in the ground. At that moment earthquake hit the Dominican Republic, did not cause nothing but great panic. But in neighboring Haiti, where he was the center, the situation holiday lettings was a major disaster, where the intensity of the quake was 7 degrees on the Richter scale.
And the situation is even worse, the quake was barely at a depth of 6 miles (10 km) underground, making it even more devastating. Describes blogger Dominican thousand holiday lettings Makester which codifies holiday lettings in Duarte 101 [Spanish] holiday lettings these moments with these words:
Tremors, holiday lettings earthquake, holiday lettings panic, call it as you want. Yesterday, on Tuesday, January 12 of 0.5 minutes before six in the evening, holiday lettings the island reminded us once again that it is moving, and is installed holiday lettings on the ground, and that the layers are not like cars, and that the earth does not ask permission for the immediate tremors. holiday lettings
I left Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, which is located just 10 miles east of the epicenter, devastating and severed communications. Buildings have collapsed, leaving thousands of dead and injured, and there are no official statistics confirmed. Without electricity, water or communications, many hours passed before holiday lettings the world could witness the devastating effects of the earthquake. Has been circulated many pictures and eyewitness testimony through social networks like Facebook and Twitter. The scene was frustrating and aftershocks made the situation worse.
As a result of the earthquake, there was a tsunami warning in the Dominican Republic, was closed for the Emergency Operations Committee (COE) commercial centers in the capital city (St. Domingo), and took preventive measures throughout the coastal areas and the Haitian border. On the morning of the following day contract Dominican President Leonel Fernandez emergency meeting to establish a committee to aid Haiti, which include health assistance, water, electricity and aid in infrastructure and aid by the military.
Helped the team in the Dominican send food and water inhalers holiday lettings and heavy machinery holiday lettings to remove holiday lettings debris. holiday lettings And has prepared and hospitals as well as in the province of Barahona airport holiday lettings to receive the aid that will be distributed in Haiti. And has helped set of workers in the Emergency Operations Committee for more than two thousand injured, and helped the institution in the Dominican Telecommunications renovate and restore telephony services, and coordinated the Dominican Red Cross and the International holiday lettings Red Cross health services. The Dominican Republic was the landing zone for reporters who came to cover the incident.
In addition to the efforts of the government, many Dominicans gathered to support the cause and they established holiday lettings collection centers holiday lettings for assistance, while others holiday lettings offer private jets and other materials for submission to Haiti. I wrote a blog Durate 101 short summary holiday lettings about the aid stations and collected throughout the Dominican Republic.
We have to make people Dominican maximum efforts to help Haiti. What happened in Haiti is not seen, there are many pains, and great suffering. Stop frivolous differences here and solidarity imposes itself, simply, clearly and without hesitation. This is the right moment to help the brotherly people, let us extend holiday lettings a helping hand to the people and our spirit is not worth this much torment.
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J እ ΩЖ 译 translations Français Haïti: La République Dominicaine vient en aide à son voisin Português República Dominicana: Ajudando o Haiti após Terremoto Español República Dominicana: Ayuda a su vecino Haití después del terremoto 繁体 中文 多明尼加: 驰援 遭受 震灾 的 邻国 海地 简体 中文 多米尼加: 驰援 遭受 震灾 的 邻国 海地 Italiano Repubblica Dominicana: aiutare i vicini haitiani dopo il terremoto polski Republika Dominkany: Sąsiedzi pomagają Haiti po trzęsieniu ziemi English Dominican Republic: Helping Neighboring Haiti After Earthquake
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