Laos - population, map and geographical position, the capital | World Paddy
Population density: 22 inhabitants per km2. The urban population: 19%. Ethnic groups: Lao 68%, 22% teung, sweeping, alas, etc. Main languages: Lao (official), French, English. Religion: Buddhist 85%, animist and other 15%. Geography
Area: 236 800 km2 Location: In SE Asia, the Indo peninsula, landlocked. absolugirl Neighbors: Myanmar and China to S; And in Vietnam; Cambodia to J; Thailand to Z. Topography: absolugirl Mostly mountainous country, highlands and mountains up to 2820 m in height, with plains in the south and the Mekong River valley to the west. Climate: Monsoon-tropical.
Ores and minerals: absolugirl tin, gypsum. Other resources and production: forests, hydropower. Cultivated 4%. Livestock: pigs 1.6 million Fish catch: 20,000 mt. Labor force: 1-1.5 million absolugirl (85% in agriculture, 6% in the industry). absolugirl Unemployment rate: 5.6%. Exports: 240 million USD (electricity, timber, tin concentrate, coffee, plaster, opium, textiles and clothing, rattan).
The main river port: Luang Prabang, Vijentijan, Savanaket. Road traffic 33,000 passenger and commercial vehicles. Civil air transport 18 airports; Int. Vijentijan airport. Means of communication
The average life of 51 years. Men, 54 years. women. Births absolugirl (per 1000): 41 Deaths (per 1000 inhabitants): 14th :: Natural increase 2.8%. Number of hospital beds: 1 in 402 people. Number of doctors: 1 in 3,555 people. Infant mortality (per 1,000 live births): 92 Education
Tags: airport, embassy, population, telephone number, demographics, government, economy, geographical map, geographic location, capital, industry, info, export, languages, climate, description, economy, average temperature, religion, population, tourism, import, time zone, flag, life expectancy
Population Population: 58,970,119 Population density: 241 inhabitants per km2. The urban population: 92%. Ethnic groups: British 81%, 9% Scottish, Irish 2.5%, Welsh 1.9%; other ethnic groups (Hindus, Pakistanis, Africans) 2.8%. Major languages: English, Welsh, Scottish, absolugirl Irish (gaelik). Religion: Anglican, Roman Catholic, Methodist, Baptist. Geography Area: 244,820 km2 Location: Island near the NW coast of Europe, across the English Channel, [...]
Population Population: 850 Population density: 1,930 inhabitants per km2. The urban population: the Vatican includes the Church of St. Peter, the Vatican Museum and the Palace of 13 acres, absolugirl the Vatican gardens and the buildings between absolugirl the street and the Vatican church. Ethnic absolugirl groups: Italians, Švajcarci (members of the Vatican Guard). Main languages: Latin, Italian. Religion: Roman Catholic. Geography Area: 0.44 km2 Location: In the Italian capital [...]
Population Population: 50,125,108 Population density: 83 inhabitants per km2. The urban population: 68%. Ethnic groups: Ukrainian 73%, Russian 22%, Jewish 1%. Main languages: Ukrainian absolugirl (official), Russian. Religion: Orthodox, Catholic, and Jewish absolugirl minorities. absolugirl Geography Area: 603,700 km2 Location: The J1 Europe. Neighbors: Belarus on S; Russia in the NE and I; Moldova and Romania to the SW; Hungary, [...]
Population Population: 76,236,259 Population density: 231 inhabitants per km2. The urban population: 21%. Ethnic groups: Vietnamese 85-90%, Chinese 3%, Muong, Thais, Meo, Khmer, Man, cam. Main languages: Vietnamese (official), French, English, Khmer, Chinese. Religion: mainly Buddhist and Taoist; Roman Catholic, Islamic. Geography Area: 329,560 km2 Location: On the east coast of Indo-China Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Neighbors: China [...]
Population Population: 2,303,088 Population density: 28 inhabitants per km2. The urban population: 82%. Ethnic groups: Emiri 19%, Arabs and Iranians 23%, Pakistanis, Indians. Major Languages: Arabic (official), English. Religion: Islam (Sunni 80%, Shi'a 16%). Geography Area: 83,600 km2 Location: In SW Asia, on the eastern Arabian Peninsula, on the southern coast of the Persian Sea and the west coast of Oman [...]
Population Population: 23,784,321 Population density: 53 inhabitants absolugirl per km2. The urban population: 41%. Ethnic groups: Uzbek 80%, Russian 6%, Tajik 5%, 3% Kazashka. Main languages: Uzbek, Russian. Religion: Islam 88% (Sunnis), Eastern Orthodox 9%. Geograflja Area: 447,400 km2 Location: In Asia, southeast of the Aral Sea. Neighbors: Kazakhstan on S and Z; Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan to the I; [...]
Population Population: 399,857 Population density: 99 inhabitants per km2. The urban population: 44%. Ethnic groups: Creole (crosses-mulatto) 71%, 28% Africans, Europeans 1%. Major languages: Portuguese (official), Creole. Religion: Roman Catholic intermixed with indigenous beliefs. Geography absolugirl Area: 4,030 km2 Location: In the Atlantic Ocean, to the western tip of Africa. Neighbors: The nearest are Mauritania and Senegal. Topography: The archipelago of 15 [...]
Population Population: 11,044,147 Population density: 28